Tuesday, March 1, 2011

So it begins...

Assalamualaikum and... yo!

FINALLY this blog is up! Phew~

See, the idea of this blog came up quite some time ago. We figured it would be nice to have a place where we could put up things that are worth sharing; tips, references, inspirations and such.

This blog is dedicated, primarily, to our Les' Copaque family. Hopefully, this will help us grow faster and closer to mastering our crafts.

Why “Conteng Dinding”?

Remember when you were a child? In spite of all the telling offs and scoldings you get, you'd still do it. It's as if it couldn't be helped!

I believe everyone was born a great artist. But most of us focused too much on growing up that we forgot to spend time with our inner child. So the blog's name is to remind us of who we once were. Who we can still be...

Let's summon those great artists we have hidden within our souls and start “conteng” the whole world! ^0^


  1. wuuu wuuu~~~ so lonely takdak comment :(

  2. dulu rumah aku ada bilik conteng. tiap hari boleh conteng kat dinding, tapi sampai dinding lain pun diconteng sekali

  3. dulu aku conteng dinding guna lipstick mak aku. kalau la mak aku amik gambar ..

  4. woooh, lahirnya pada 1 March, cantik juga itu~

  5. btw, timestamp dia tak btol...

  6. masa kecik aku ada satu dinding panjang kat rumah,

    aku akan tekan pensel tu dari hujung ke hujung
    everytime dgn color color lain.

    aku rasa paling last sekali is aku ukir nama pakai
    pahat. tapi tak sempat nak buat full

    dapat buat UA, sbb F ngan D susah nak buat. haha.
